Wednesday, April 15, 2009


There are people in this world who live with a heavy dark cloud above their heads.
That cloud is made of hate; Tiny fragments of the world's most desperate souls. They come together like droplets of rain, forming the thick fog of misery that encircles the mind in its darkest hours.

This view of the world is dangerous.
It corrodes the heart and breaks apart the feeble strands that weave humanity together.

But its roots are not in the unborn. Instead- it is a concept that is learned. It is through hate that children first lose their innocence.

In a society like today's, there is just no time left. So much has already been damaged that we have little left to destroy. We must embrace our time left on this earth with as much hope we can possibly sustain. We must not be afraid to let the light in.

For if there is hate, there is no room left for love.